We’re trained at a young age to maintain good oral hygiene. We know to brush twice daily and floss our teeth to keep a healthy smile. Sometimes, there are things we do every day that may put our teeth in danger. Certain foods we eat and the activities we engage in can hurt our teeth. Once the damage is done, it may not be possible to reverse it. The team at Dental Care of Boca Raton has a list of harmful habits you should avoid.
Sticky, Sugar-Based Treats — Sugary treats cause tooth decay, and sticky treats can linger around your teeth for hours. Things like lollipops, hard candies, Altoids, lozenges, sports drinks, sodas all are absolute dental suicide. Each time you take a sip of a sugary drink there is 20 minutes of acid production literally destroying your pearly whites!
Try eating healthier options such as carrots, celery, and other water-rich natural fruits and vegetables.
Chewing on Hard Objects — Sometimes you develop habits unconsciously while concentrating on other things. You may not think twice about the urge to chew on pens or pencils, but this habit is damaging to your teeth. It can cause chipped or cracked teeth and irritation. To break this habit, keep sugarless gum around instead.
Smoking and Tobacco Products — Cigarettes and other tobacco products can cause staining and discoloration of your teeth. Even more dangerous is that using tobacco products will also decrease your immune system response, which will make periodontal disease and loss of teeth much more likely. In fact, if you are a smoker or use tobacco products at all, it is impossible to have complete oral health, due to the damage which is being done.
However, there is some good news, in that if you can successfully quit tobacco in just 4-6 months you can regain a healthy mouth. Please reach out and speak with your doctor about developing a plan to quit.
Drinking Acidic Drinks — Just like sugary and sticky candies, acidic drinks are loaded with sugar. When you drink these drinks, they coat your tooth enamel with acid, which will cause your enamel to break down. Making better choices with sugar-free drinks or drinking more water is a healthier choice.
Contact Sports — Playing sports without a mouth guard could cause loose, chipped, or lost teeth. To prevent this problem, you need a custom mouthguard.
Grinding Teeth — Life can be stressful, and you may find yourself grinding your teeth, even during the day. If this problem is not addressed, you may wear your teeth down over time. To prevent this, you may need to have a nightguard made to protect your teeth from excessive wear.
Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime, so take good care of them. Avoid these harmful habits and practice good oral hygiene. How long has it been since your last dental visit? Contact our office to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Boca Raton, Florida, and the surrounding areas.
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